We take support seriously. Our team of outstanding, clinical supervisors offer personalized guidance, inspiration, and valuable knowledge from years of experience. Join us for a free clinical consultation session online to try out our services. Wednesday, September 23rd at 7:30 pm. Open to MA Mental Health Professionals and our members.
RSVP to: info@supervisioncircles.com and we will register you for our zoom meeting and send you a private link.
Questions? Reach out to me: Karen Peabody info@SupervisionCircles.com
Karen Peabody, LICSW is a therapist and business consultant for social workers and therapists interested in starting their private practice. She founded Forgewell Solutions in East Bridgewater, MA and launched Supervision Circles in 2020. For information on joining Supervision Circles, join here or contact us: info@supervisioncircles.com